By Laws

By Laws

Articles of Incorporation

Article I: Name

The name of this Corporation shall be the Southern Lakes Association of the Deaf, Incorporated.

Article II: Period of Existence

The Period of existence shall be perpetual.

Article III: Purpose

The purpose shall be exclusively charitable and educational as defined by Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.

Article IV: Location of the Corporation

The principal office is located in the city of Delavan, Walworth County, Wisconsin.

Article V: Address of the Corporation

The address of the corporation is 715 E. Wisconsin Street, Delavan WI 53115.

Article VI: Amendments

These articles my be amended in the manner authorized by the Bylaws.

Article VII: Number of Board of Directors

The number of directors shall be fixed by the Bylaws but shall not be less than seven.

Article VIII: Membership

Membership provisions will be set forth in the Bylaws.

Article IX: Increment of Income

No part of the net earnings of the Corporation shall inure to the benefits of, or be distributable to, its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons except that the Corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered.

Article X: Legislative and Political Activities

No substantial part of the activities of the Corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence the legislation, and the corporation shall not participate in or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.

Article XI: Dissolution Clause

Upon the dissolution of the Corporation, the Board of Directors shall, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all liabilities of the Corporation, dispose of all the assets of the Corporation exclusively for the purposes of the Corporation in such manner, or to such organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious, or scientific purposes as shall be at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organization under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law) as the Board of Directors shall determine. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the Court of Common Pleas of the county in which the principal office of the Corporation is then located, exclusively for the purposes or to such organization or organizations as said Court shall determine which are organized and operated for such purposes.

By Laws

Article I: Membership

Section 1. Members

Any person 18 years old and over shall be eligible for membership to this Association.

Section 2. Privileges

Members, in good standing are entitled to hold office and to exercise the privilege of voting during all general and special meetings.

Article II: Officers and Board of Directors

Section 1. Officers

The officers of the Association shall be a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, a Membership Secretary, a Treasurer, an Athletic Director, a Social Director, and three Members-at-Large (Trustees).

Section 2. Board of Directors

The officers of this Association shall constitute a board of directors, hereinafter known as the Board.

Section 3. Terms of Office

The officers, except the Members-at-Large, shall serve for a term of two years. Each Member-at-Large shall serve a staggered term of three years; only one shall be elected at election time. The newly elected member serves three years; the member elected in the preceding election serves the remaining two years, the senior member serves the remaining one year.

Section 4. Election

The election of all officers shall be as set forth in Article IX.

Section 5. Oath of Officers

The officers shall assume their respective duties after being sworn in at the close of the election.

Article III: Duties of Officers

Section 1. President

The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and at meetings of the Board, appoint standing committee members, serve as ex-officio of all committees, and in general shall perform all duties incident to the office of the President.

Section 2. Vice President

In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President, chair the Bylaws Committee, and shall perform any other duties as may be assigned by the President or Board.

Section 3. Secretary

The Secretary shall be responsible for recording the minutes of Board, Regular, and Special meetings, handle all correspondence, maintain all records of the Association, and serve as editor of the Association newsletter and/or website.

Section 4. Treasurer

The Treasurer shall be responsible to develop and maintain an annual budget, record member dues and admission fees, the collection and disbursement of other funds, manage all the financial accounts and records of the Association.

Section 5. Membership Secretary

The Membership Secretary shall be responsible to encourage recruitment of new members, maintain the statistics of membership and to report these at regular meetings, prepare mailing lists and distribute flyers to the members through mail, e-mail, and/or fax and shall keep track of the membership dues, send reminder cards, and shall hand in the membership dues to the Treasurer before the end of each month.

Section 6. Athletic Director

The Athletic Director shall chair the Athletic Activities Committee; act as a representative/delegate to any athletic activities/organizations; prepare an athletic budget to be submitted to the Board; recommend coach(es) to membership for approval, and submit an itemized expense report to the Treasurer prior to regular meetings.

Section 7. Social Director

The Social Director shall oversee the social committee; prepare and submit a social budget to the Board, plan and coordinate all social events, develop and distribute flyers announcing events and meetings; and submit an itemized expenses report to the Treasurer prior to regular meetings.

Section 8. Members-at-Large

The Members-at-Large shall represent the needs and interests of the general membership by serving as liaisons, as a grievance committee, relaying relevant information to the members as requested by the Board, and presenting grievances and requests to the Board on behalf of the membership.

Section 9. Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall act in the interest of the Association between meetings; present to the membership a proposed budget, and recommend membership dues for the ensuing years at the January meeting.

Article IV: Dues and Fees

Section 1. Membership Dues

Membership dues shall be determined by the membership based upon the recommendation of the Board at the January meeting.

Section 2. Chapter Fees

There shall be a chapter fee payable to the Wisconsin Association of the Deaf upon receipt of notice.

Section 3. Non-member Fees

There shall be a non-member admission fee for any social event as recommended by the Social Director and approved by the Board of Directors.

Section 4. Athletic Fees

There shall be an admission fee for any athletic events as recommended by the Athletic Director and approved by the Board of Directors.

Article V: Funds

Section 1. There shall be a General Fund, which shall be audited quarterly by the Trustees.

Article VI: Affliliations

Section 1. Wisconsin Association of the Deaf

This Association shall become a chapter of the Wisconsin Association of the Deaf upon payment of a chapter fee, and therefore, be represented by a chapter delegate at Round Table and Biennial Conferences.

Section 2. Others

This Association shall become an affiliate of any other organizations related to deafness upon the majority vote of the membership.

Section 3. Selection of Delegates

A delegate and an alternate shall be elected by the membership during the Association’s biennial election.

Article VII: Reimbursement

Section 1. The following expenses shall be reimbursed from the General Fund:

a. Fees for sponsorship of any athletic team;
b. Advertisement for athletic program books other than SLAD;
c. Donations to other athletes other than SLAD athletes, for any Competitive Games;
d. Expenses needed to operate the SLAD;
e. For organization and/or individual according to Guideline.

Section 2. Prior to any reimbursement, the Board must vote to accept the expenses which are subject to approval by the membership. Any incurred expenses shall be reimbursed following the IRS business guidelines. Any claims must be accompanied with receipts and an explanation for the expenses.

Article VIII: Meetings

Section 1. Regular Meetings

There shall be four regular meetings of the association year. Each meeting shall take place on the third Saturday of the month, unless a conflict arises, in which case the meeting may be rescheduled or canceled by a majority vote of the Board.

Section 2. Special Meetings

Should the special circumstances arise needing the immediate attention of the general membership, the Board of Directors may call a special meeting. Only business pertaining to the special need shall be heard during a special meeting. A special meeting shall also be called by the President upon a written request of five members.

Section 3. Biennial Election & Bylaws Meeting

There shall be an Election and Bylaws meeting held biennially, during odd numbered years, in the month of January. The agenda shall consist of the following: a. The Board shall submit revised bylaws, as recommended by the Bylaws committee, for the review and approval of the general membership by a majority vote. b. Election of Officers, Directors, Delegate(s), Auditors, Members-at-Large, conducted by a written ballot as presented by the Nomination Committee and/or Board of Directors.

Section 4. Quorum

A quorum for any regular/special meeting shall consist of 15 members present.

Article IX: Standing Committees

Section 1. Trustees Committee

The Trustees, chaired by the Senior member of the committee, shall audit the Treasurer’s books prior to the regular meeting and ensure that this Association operates within the budget; make a report at regular meetings; and perform other related duties as requested by the Treasurer and/or Board.

Section 2. Bylaws Committee

The Bylaws committee shall be chaired by the Vice President and two appointed members. The responsibility of this committee shall be to review and revise the bylaws prior to the biennial Election and Bylaws meeting; and upon approval of the membership, formally revise and distribute copies of the Bylaws to all current members.

Section 3. Advocacy Committee

The Advocacy Committee shall be comprised of an appointed chair, the WSD delegate, and two members as appointed by the Board. The responsibilities of this committee shall be to review and provide information on the impact of new laws, regulations, and any other information related to deafness; participate in the development, review, and monitoring of all plans related to programs affecting Deaf persons; and shall provide advice to the Board and members on significant decisions and actions of ther groups and organizations.

Section 4. Social Committee

The social committee shall be overseen by the Social Director and two appointed members, who shall serve a term of two years. The Social Director shall present to members a calendar of events for the ensuing year at the January meeting, and act on any related matters.

Article X: Amendments

Section 1. Amendments

The Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws may be amended at any duly called meeting by a two-thirds vote of the members present.

Article XI: Parliamentary Procedure

Section 1. When not in conflict these Bylaws Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall be the parliamentary authority.

Section 2. Parliamentarian

The Vice President shall act as the Parliamentarian. Should s/he be absent, the President shall find a replacement at any regular meeting and shall serve in an advisory capacity.